Seasons Change and So Do We

Cleelia Uudam Costa
2 min readOct 24, 2023

We change.

Photo from Neal Kharawala on Unsplash

I grew up in Estonia, in a little northern country, where the four seasons are distinctly present. From an early age I learnt to love the change of seasons. There is calm within the knowing of what to expect and how to prepare oneself.

The wisdom I carry with me since the very beginning is that beauty, joy and important lessons are present in every season.

Our lives have seasons too. While we are not fully able to foresee how the life will unfold for us, we do have a general notion of the possibilities for one’s life.

What we might know less, is that not only do the seasons change, but also we change.

Life and its seasons shape us and change us.

The transitions from one season to another might trigger changes we least expected.

I am not referring to the physical changes that we all experience with the age, but instead the changes in WHO WE ARE and HOW WE SHOW UP IN LIFE.

In the midst of the busy of life, when juggling all the responsibilities and trying to live up to all the expectations, we might miss to notice how we change.

And when we miss to notice or purposefully choose not to notice THE CHANGE, a sense of feeling LOST, AIMLESSNESS or even a bit DISORIENTATION can follow.

  • You might question your life
  • You might feel less joy about things you always enjoyed
  • You might feel disconnected from the people around
  • You might wonder about who you are and what is your life purpose

Anybody ever felt that?

Photo by Maria on Unsplash

SELF-AWARENESS is the KEY to adapting and moving through the changes in life.

Do not fear change.

It is important to create space for you to reflect, recalibrate, rebuild your life vision and take back your power.

Listen to yourself.

Be honest with yourself.

Be curious about yourself.

Be patient with yourself.

Be compassionate with yourself.




Cleelia Uudam Costa

Writing to inspire and empower women. Transformational Life & Business Coach. Entrepreneur. PhD. Mom of 4. Estonian in Portugal