Do Not Fear Change
“Be like a flower, survive the rain but use it to grow” (unknown).

Change is the only certain thing in life. Yet despite all this certainty and sense of inevitability, change is not something we always know how to embrace. Of course there are changes and then there are changes.
I am not speaking about the easy changes, which we all make happily and effortlessly. There are these changes that life brings us and then there are these changes we hesitate to make, while deep down knowing it is the right path to take.
Change is always hard. Change is uncomfortable. Change forces us to step out of our comfort zone. Change helps us to expand in ways we might have never even imagined.
Yet, truth to be told, nearly always a change does bring something positive to our life. There is always the bright side, there is always the value of learning and growing and novelty. There is no way you can see the full value of the experience in advance. You have to live it.
In case you are dealing with an uncomfortable change now, know that it is okay. In case you are hesitating to make an important change, know that it will be okay. You do not need to worry. You do not need to know how everything will end up to be.

You simply need to be gentle with yourself and trust your journey. The road will be there for you to walk. The path of change will unroll at your feet.
Do not be nervous. It is in that moment of discomfort when you need to trust your journey. You need to believe in the power of your truth and your dreams.
What is that one important change you have been hesitating to make?