Why Working On Your Low Self-Confidence Matters

Cleelia Uudam Costa
7 min readSep 20, 2023

Low self-confidence is not your fault. Do not let your lack of self-confidence stop you from living your life to the fullest.

Self-Confidence Matters (Image: Ben White on Unsplash)

Self-confidence, your belief in yourself and in your abilities, is one of the magic ingredients for a happy fulfilling life. And when we are lacking it, we should make an effort to make it grow as it is possible! And when we do make an effort to improve our self-confidence then absolutely everything becomes possible!

How Does Low Self-Confidence Impact Your Life

When you are lacking self-confidence you most definitely, one way or another, limit yourself from living to the fullest. How you feel about yourself and what you believe about yourself determines how you take decisions and live your life. With low self-confidence you might stop yourself from following your heart and from dreaming (big). And if you do that, how can you possibly live a truly fulfilling life?

You might self-sabotage your success, you might skip opportunities of growth and adventures simply because you are too afraid not to be good enough to join. And once you do get into action you might be analysing your own (and others´) behaviour and performance into detail long after the moment is gone. You might experience overwhelm of overthinking and even anxiety when the…



Cleelia Uudam Costa

Writing to inspire people to grow into their best version living their dream life. Life & Business Coach. Entrepreneur. PhD. Mom of 4. www.cleeliauudamcosta.com