So You Are Alone In This

Cleelia Uudam Costa
2 min readMay 15, 2024


Secrets carry heavy weight, but sharing brings liberation.

Photo by Megan Stallings on Unsplash

You keep it all to yourself.

The idea of sharing your imposter thoughts is terrifying.

What will they think of you?

How can they take you seriously if they find out that you are dealing with all these doubts and fears and insecurities?

You already believe that a lot of your success has to do with luck.. so imagine if only they knew.. !?

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

This is the inner dialog of many people.

Only that.. sharing is caring also when it comes to you! Sharing your thoughts of security is caring for your (mental) wellbeing.

Sharing your imposter thoughts with somebody you trust is the best thing you can do for yourself.

  • You will no longer feel as alone.
  • You will be surprised to find out that others are also struggling with their own insecurities.
  • Your thought and belief patterns will be challenged — usually others will remind you the evidence and facts of the situation.
  • You will feel more empowered as somebody shows belief in you and will be rooting for you.

Like with shame, if you share it, you will reduce its power, the same happens with your imposter thoughts — they become less powerful.

And last, but not least, speaking about your thoughts and feelings can simply bring you more self-awareness and clarity, which helps you to challenge your negative beliefs and to create better copying mechanisms.

There is power in shared vulnerability! ♥️

Ps!! If you do not have somebody encouraging your dreams and believing in you (and I get it our family and friends are not always on the same page with us when it comes to dreaming big or wanting to change!), it might be a good time to get a coach or a mentor or a therapist or to join a group of likeminded people!



Cleelia Uudam Costa

Writing to inspire people to grow into their best version living their dream life. Life & Business Coach. Entrepreneur. PhD. Mom of 4.